The Nursery Day
Times of School Day

Morning Sesion:
School starts at 9.00am and will finish at 12.00pm
Afternoon Session:
School will start at 12.45pm and will finish at 3.45pm
The Structure of the Day...

Welcome time
At the start of the nursery day key workers welcome their children who have the opportunity to spend time with their group. This time is used to develop key skills including turn taking, listening, reading words and letters, writing and learning numbers.
Focus time
During focus time key workers plan specific activities for their group. Keyworkers use the knowledge they have from observing children to carefully plan activities that will support their learning.
Free Flow
During this time children have the opportunity to make their own choices playing with resources that have been provided by staff. Children will work with all the staff in the nursery during this time. This time is a valuable opportunity for children to practice skills they have learnt during their focus time and to develop the characteristics of effective learning with the help of staff.
Literacy Time
This session is an important part of the nursery day when children develop their literacy skills and an interest in books and reading.